Minneapolis Aquatennial

Minneapolis Aquatennial Torchlight Parade

Special Note: This is a late parade! Be aware that you will not get home until after 11 p.m. Please plan attendance of young children accordingly. Also, we ask you to be at the line-up time 2 hours before the parade start. This is based on past experience with parking and line-up. Strollers and/or wagons are strictly prohibited in the parade.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Line-up time: 6:30 p.m.

It will be warm – bring your own water for before the parade in a disposable container – you will not be able to put stuff in the trailer.

Tim will be dropping the giraffes and water at the line-up spot. He will then move the trailer to the end of the parade. We will NOT be taking the trailer in the parade and it will not be at line-up.

Parade time: 8:30 p.m.

Parade Line-up location: Dunwoody College

Line-up Position: We will not know until we arrive at line-up

Decorations: TCUC will not be providing any lights or glo-sticks this year. However, you are encouraged to decorate your unicycle/person with lights. Several members have purchased lights and will be putting them on their unicycles, so go for it! Remember though, secure them tightly and make them safe so they don’t come undone in your spokes.

Parade Route: Down Hennepin Ave. to 5th St.

Parking Hints

Park at the end, stop somewhere for take-out dinner and eat at the lineup!